The process of dealing poker is essential to the success of every poker game. It ensures that gameplay is swift and smooth from hand to hand, and that the players have an enjoyable experience while playing.
The dealer is a person who is responsible for dealing players’ hole cards and community cards, as well as managing the pot and bets that are made during different rounds of betting. This person may be a player at a home game, or a stand-alone individual (such as those at cardrooms and casinos).
Dealing Rules
Before dealing, the dealer must shuffle the deck. This is done by putting each card through the shuffler at least four times. This helps to randomise the order and make it difficult for players to track where each card is in the deck.
Once the deck has been shuffled, it is passed to the player seated to the left of the dealer. They must then cut the deck once, and return it to the dealer.
After the deck has been cut, a burn card is dealt into the muck (the discard pile). This is done to help protect any other player from seeing the top card. The dealer then flips over the next three cards in a horizontal row on the table, which are called the flop.
These cards are considered community cards, and any player can use them to create a poker hand. The highest hand wins the pot.
If a player folds or calls during the pre-flop betting round, it is important for the dealer to announce these actions to other players so that they know how much money has been pushed out in each direction. They should also announce the number of players who are still seeing the flop after the betting round has been completed.
The dealer should not announce a bet that is too large or too small, and they should also make sure that they do not take any additional bets. In addition, they should make sure that they are distributing the chips that have been bet properly to the main pot and any side pots that have been created.
Misdeals & Exposed Cards
A misdeal happens when a dealer accidentally exposes a card that was dealt during the previous round. This occurs when a hole card is flashed or exposed during the dealing process, or when a downcard is dealt off the table. It is important for the dealer to notify other players of this incident, so that they can decide whether or not the card should be replaced.
If the card is exposed, it should be placed in the center of the board and announced as out of play. This is usually the best way to resolve this situation.
Likewise, if a joker is discovered during the deal, it should be placed in the center of an open spot on the board and announced as out of play. Unless it is called attention to before it is played, the joker will not be replaced.
Also read: What is Flop in Poker?